Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friend! – True or False?

For our relationships to stay fit we need to be friendly. Sometimes those we love the most we seem to show we love the least. When we know someone is loyal it’s easy to be selfish because a true friend won’t “write you off” when you act like a jerk. That’s a great reason not to act like one but most people treat their “customers” better that their confidants. A true friend is one who will give of themselves not just try to get, get, get. The mature are willing to sacrifice while adolescent affection demands attention.

Don’t pretend to be a friend if you only want to be an associate. Be upfront and honest with people and don’t expect them to give of themselves unless you do. Don’t try to get something from them unless you’re willing to do something for them. That’s a mutual exchange a win/win situation. But taking advantage of people is a sin/win situation. If by false affection you manipulate and sin to win you will ostracize your friends. And if you have to sin to win you will eventually lose because this is not the right path to choose. What you sow you will reap and you’ll end up torn, scorned and forlorn.

It’s hard not to be a scrooge at heart,
I need God’s help from selfishness to depart.
I receive the love He has to give,
So I can love others and truly live.

It’s “more blessed to give than to receive”
So I’ll live my life, like thus I believe.
And as I sow by God’s Word I know,
It’s what I give that makes things grow.

PIE90 Scripture:

Prov 18:24
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.