Monday, April 4, 2011


There’s no note today because I’m working the prelude for a new song. So have a great day and be blessed in every way. Here’s the rough draft if you care to guess or comment on what you think it’s going to be about.

Something is stalking me
Memories mocking me
What is this haunting me
Terror now taunting me

Have I have become a prey
I need to get away
Why do you torment me?
I am in agony

Delicacies, on my plate
Ravenous, smell the bait
Pounding, my heart does race
Why am I in this place?

Death is enticing me
Slave master’s pricing me
Thoughts are dividing me
Demons, deriding me

My eyes have gone blurry
Obsessed I must hurry
Someone might see
And know I’m not free

Stumbling in the mire
Hunted by dark desire
Stick your neck in the wire
I’ll take you to the fire

“O wretched man that I am!
Who will deliver me
from this body of death?”

Copyright ©2011 VBN