Monday, April 12, 2010


I want to remind you to continue to be disciplined and ‘eat’ your PIE everyday. PIE stands for Pray, Itemize and Exercise and it’s a easy way to discern and fulfill God’s will for your life one day at a time. A simple way to pray is to just talk and listen and read and write. It doesn’t really matter exactly how you do it just do it. When you call God He will answer and the receiver you use to hear His voice is on the inside. Very seldom do people actually hear God with the physical ear but God speaks to us from where He lives. We hear with the inner ear, that is the ear of the heart and He’s communicating not so much with sounds as impressions. When we open our heart to God’s will then we began to get a clue about what to do, a kind of inner knowing about where we ought to be going. We talk and listen or read and listen and it’s important when praying to write down what He’s saying. Then the things God leads us to do through inner knowledge or journaling become the items for our ‘to do’ list. We get our script from His Spirit and the Scriptures. Then once we have it He helps us P.S. it. He shows us how to prioritize and strategize so that we really can seek first His kingdom and fulfill His will. And once everything’s prepared and our script is in order then it’s time for “Action!” Then He empowers us to do as we take our cues we exercise His will and act it out one step at a time. God is the Author and Director, the world is the stage, we are the actors and PIE is the script.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,”

So who’s writing your script?

Ps 37:23
3 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.

Prov 16:9
9 A man's heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.

1 Chron 28:19
19 "All this," David said, "I have in writing from the hand of the Lord upon me, and he gave me understanding in all the details of the plan."


A. Talk and Listen
B. Read and Write
A. Write Down the Items! And P.S. it!
B. Prioritize
C. Strategize
A. Act it step by step.
B. Do it!