Saturday, August 29, 2009

I Fell Off the Mantle

The house we are working on has a really tall mantle it’s about eight feet up. We built a temporary platform to hold it while we worked on it since it weighs about 800 pounds or something. Anyway I stepped through a hole in the platform and hurt my leg pretty good. Not broken just tweaked bruised and it’s frustrating because it’s setting me back on my exercise program. Fitness in every area of life is like climbing a ladder you can’t skip steps you can only go one rung at a time. When something knocks you down a few pegs “off your mantle” you just need to get up and start climbing again. So today I’m thinking that I won’t get gloomy but instead get up and get going. Ha, ha if you climbed the ladder once then you can do it again, don’t get discourages and don’t quit because if you do you’ll just end up living on some rung but it’s better on the mantle. People display things they value up there but most never stop to think of the work it took to build the mantle in the first place. So without good old work there would be no mantle and no success to display on it. So whatever your goals are just keep working on them because, “if you don’t quit you won’t lose!”

Prov 24:16
16 For a righteous man may fall seven times
And rise again…

Prov 24:16
16 No matter how many times you trip them up,
God-loyal people don't stay down long;
Soon they're up on their feet,
while the wicked end up flat on their faces.