Is your mind fit to be tied? Sometimes you tie things to hold them down and sometimes to hold them up. When you make a decision you’re tied to it but how strong is your bond. If you have a weak will you won’t be able to make progress because you will be changing your mind all the time. When you make a commitment to yourself or anyone else then you ought to keep it. If you don’t then you’re out of control and need to be tied. The way to exercise your will and make it stronger is by making a decision and then doing it. Start with the easy things and pretty soon you will be able to complete anything you set your mind to. Most great things don’t happen overnight and that’s why you need to stay your mind in the meantime. It’s like the rudder on the ship, once you make a decision you will constantly press against the resistance if you are to stay on course. If you get tired and give in then you’ll end up drifting through life until a crisis is on the horizon. Then you will try to steer clear of calamity but you really never should have been there in the first place. The bottom line is; you have to make up your mind and keep it made up or you will just float around aimlessly wondering why you never make any progress. So to get mentally fit just commit to do what you decide to do and follow through.
Prov 24:21b
Do not associate with those given to change;