Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ready, Aim, ...

How can you fulfill God’s mission it if you need to recondition? The great commission requires you to be in good condition. When the Lord calls you need to be ready for the expedition not trying to get permission from your pastor, banker or physician. The acquisition of this position comes from giving God submission. In addition you need exercise and good nutrition. Cast out bad habits like an apparition, on laziness do demolition. Ask God to help with your ambition, load up your ammunition and put His goodness on exhibition. Because we’re His coalition and ready for ignition! …Fire!

Ps 26:2-3
2 Examine me, God, from head to foot,
order your battery of tests.
Make sure I'm fit
inside and out
3 So I never lose
sight of your love,
But keep in step with you,
never missing a beat.