Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Use P.I.E. to Overcome

Weather you’re getting ready to take the Get Fir 4X4X-Mas Challenge or just preparing for your day P.I.E. will work. P.ray and find out what God wants you to do. I.temize – write it down and make it plain. P.S. it = Prioritize and Strategize. Then E.xercise – do it, fulfill and perform the plan. You need to Pray, Plan and Perform what you believe God is leading you to do. Simply stated – Pray and Obey Everyday!
If you are taking the Get Fit 4X4X-Mas Challenge what areas do you believe is God leading you to work on? Spiritual, soul, body, financial, relationships? What is the order of priority? Not what you want the order to be but what you believe God wants the order to be. Let Him “order your steps!” What’s the strategy to accomplish this? Ask God, and I believe He will show you one or lead you to a plan that has already been prepared by someone with expertise in that area. Now Exercise it Everyday! You need a calendar or spreadsheet or some way to see the days before you. You need to commit to the schedule and X off the days when you accomplish what you set out to do. Schedules can be challenging to keep but if you’re committed you will find time. If you can’t make at the regular time then you make it up later. What your grade will be highly depends on you percentage of attendance. Don’t expect A+ results with 60% attendance. Something is better than nothing but when I set out to accomplish God’s will He seemed to say to me, “Is anything less than 80% really even acceptable at all?” Now I’m not sure about your standards but you don’t want to flunk out of Gods will do you? People say, “I just don’t have time!” and that’s A BIG FAT LIE! If God is leading you to do it then you MAKE TIME! The Master Planner of the universe knew exactly how much time it would take when He told you to do it. If you say that you don’t you call Him a liar and are stuck in the bondage and the deception of the enemy. It’s the lamest and most worn out excuse on the planet and possibly holds more people in chains than any other. It’s not how much time you have, everybody has the same and if you say that you can’t do God’s will because you don’t have enough you might as well cry and say, “I’m just a very poor steward of my time so I CAN’T do what God told me to, I’m sure He’ll understand.” NOT! He may understand but does not grade on a curve or make special exceptions for lazy people. So you will simply fail the test and remain in your current lame situation.

I’m working on a 90 day schedule for applying P.I.E. with a scripture for everyday meditation. I plan on having at least the first week done and make it available to you by Sept 28th. I believe P.I.E. is the plan to work on your spiritual life and an easy to understand method to fulfill God’s will. But it’s personal and you just need to DO IT everyday and it will work because you will be seeking direction and help from God and when you do He will certainly give it. He will also teach you and lead you in the way you should go and impart grace and wisdom for you to succeed in all the other areas. Putting God first and in the center of everything is how you will succeed and make everything else work. God is like the hub in a wheel and everything else is like spokes going out. You can have a broken spoke and go on but if you lose the hub you aren’t going anywhere until you fix it. P.I.E keeps God in the center and His life and wisdom flowing into all the other areas. When you know His will and receive His Grace then you will be able to do the impossible.

So whatever you’re getting ready to do you need to first believe that you can do it. If you’ve failed in the past this can be hard to believe, but don’t despair just ask God for help and begin to meditate on what He said. Take Php 4:13 and think about it and think about it until you believe it with all your heart. Get rid of, “I CAN’T!” because that’s the cry of the failure and replace it with I CAN! I can do it and I know I can! Not because I’m so great but because the Greater One lives in me and strengthens me to DO His will. Take this scripture and abide in it that is – think about it over and over and over until you know it. Reps. make you stronger. “And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free!” This is a great key to your success and you need to get it - an A+ “I CAN DO ATTITUDE EMPOWERED BY GOD’S GRACE!” No more lame excuses! If God said you can then you can! Believe it!

Php 4:13

I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.

I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ
Who gives me strength and power.

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me
[I am ready for anything and equal to anything
through Him Who infuses inner strength into me;I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].

I have the strength to face all conditions
by the power that Christ gives me.

I am strong for all things in the One who
constantly infuses strength in me.