Sunday, June 7, 2009
Follow Not Fear of Failure
Fear of failure is not a valid reason not to do anything. If we don't even try because we are afraid we might fail then we already have. Most of the things God leads us to do are beyond your ability. But this is nothing new reading, writing and arithmetic were once incomprehensible but we were created with the ability to learn. And because we have this gift we are able to increase and obtain the aptitude tomorrow that we don’t have today. When God gives us a new task it’s like when we were handed that first times tables test and told to be done in sixty seconds or less. At first it seems impossible but then it becomes easy as go then we grow. If we are afraid to do and to follow through then we will just say the same way. But when God says, “go” or “do” and “I will be with you” then it should be understood that there’s no need to fear because the Teacher is here and He will give us our gear. And if we learn how to use it and walk in His ways then we’ll live beyond our ability all of our days. It’s not by our wisdom, ability or might, but by His indwelling presence that we will live right, shine bright and fight the good fight.