If you follow fear it will control where you go. Jesus said that we should know His voice and follow Him but there are also many strange voices out there. The voices you listen to the most you become familiar with and you will go with what you know. If you listen to the wrong things you will end up going the wrong way and putting yourself on a collision course with God. The Bible says the Lord is on our side and that's assuming we follow Him. If we follow the five (flesh, feelings, fear, finances or facts) we will find ourselves facing God on the field of life. I don't imagine I would like to go head to head with God but people contend with Him about His will for their lives everyday. Many have listened to and reasoned with the wrong and become convinced they are more right than God. Now they oppose God and follow the five and ask God to bless them and give them "the victory" unknowing that He will never yield because they are on the wrong team and are going the wrong way. That's why God says repent which means to choose His side and turn around and Go His way otherwise you will get run over sooner or later. It's really idiotic to think you can do things your way and have God bless it. The only way to walk in the blessing is to follow Him and walk in His ways. And then you can declare...
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Ps 23:1
"The Lord is on my side: I will not fear. What can man do to me?" Ps 118:6
And chant, With God we will gain the victory, He will trample down our enemies! according to Ps 44:5